Just wanted to note that I saw this over on /r/SpacePolicy - there will be no Space Corps.
I've been wanting to do this post for awhile - actually ever since SNC successfully did their drop test of the Dream Chaser a while back (2017-11-11) and there was a Faceboook discussion on the costs of all the CRS2 vehicles and their capabilities. Let's do a breakdown. CRS2 Vehicles The Commerical Resupply Services 2 contract from NASA was awarded to three companies: SpaceX, OrbitalATK, and Sierra Nevada Corporation. The total value of all contracts awarded were close to $14 billion. Each company was awarded a minimum of six launches each. This is for missions from 2019-2024. I thumbed around the internet to put the following table together. Most sources came from here . Dream Chaser's weight was taken from here , although I'm guessing this is for the Crew version. Here's a general chart for you of the above. Apologies for the poor formatting, I'm not great with trying to embed Google Spreadsheets into Blogger. Let's go over some addit...
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